It doesn’t matter how funny, cute, relevant or overall engaging your practice’s social media posts are if nobody sees them; if your content goes unseen, it’s worthless. In the modern realm of social media marketing For Medical , investing small in promoting your social media content is becoming a better and better idea; the sooner you embrace this idea (which becomes more true every day), the sooner potential clients can start engaging with your content.

Until about 2014 if you posted to your practice’s Facebook fanpage, you could expect 40-50% of those who had liked your page to see your new content. This is called the post’s “reach.” You might have noticed over the past few years, however, a decline in how many people your posts have been reaching . You can rest assured that this is not because of you or the content you’ve been posting, but rather a result of Facebook’s new algorithms (along with all other social media platforms) that sort through and arrange the content users will see, based on the content they’ve previously engaged with all marketing For Medical.

Currently, your posts reach users in one of two ways: paid reach allows you to invest in the promotion of your content, which boosts the visibility of your content among user audiences that you determine. Content can also reach users via organic reach, which refers to how many users a post reaches without any money invested into its promotion. Organic reach, however, is now lower than it’s ever been – according to the top social media marketers in the world, unprompted posts tend to reach roughly 1% of their audience, depending on various factors. If you’re trying to grow your practice through social media marketing, this is an incredibly pertinent piece of info to keep in mind. A social media presence must be grown through engagement, meaning the liking, favoriting, sharing, reacting and commenting that occurs when users come across your posts. And of course, engagement cannot come before reach; if no one sees your content in the first place, engagement with your content is impossible. Creating a wider audience for your posts expands the spiderweb of engagement and priceless, person-to-person interaction that you need to grow your practice with social media marketing.  

Growing a dental practice with social media is a two-pronged fork – you need engaging, share-worthy content, as well as a solid plan to promote that content. Raise your marketing strategy into the new, pay-to-play era of social media, and take advantage of the online engagement marketing For Medical, interaction, and connectivity with potential new clients that traditional marketing methods simply can’t deliver. If you’d like RiseMD to perform an audit of your practice’s social media content and marketing strategy, and explore how we can make it better, visit us online at #RiseAboveTheRest